Medical Tracker makes it easier than ever to track accident investigation reports from the moment they are requested through to their completion.
The accident investigation feature must be turned on within the Settings area. To enable accident investigation reporting navigate to 'Account settings' and click into 'Incidents'. This can then be enabled by toggling on 'Enable accident investigation'.
To request an accident investigation tick this on when reporting the incident, as below:
Once the injury report is saved, this triggers an email notification to be sent to the contact at the school responsible for completing the accident investigation (email notifications must be setup within the 'Staff' module. Please find an article on staff notifications here).
Warning: Only staff members with the correct permissions under 'Users & teams' are able to complete and sign off an accident investigation. To update team permissions to allow a team to complete or sign off an investigation, please find our Knowledge Base article on team permissions here.
Once an accident investigation has been requested a red status circle will appear, this lets us know the investigation has not yet been completed.
The staff member responsible for the accident investigation form can then complete the accident investigation form by navigating to the incident report and pressing 'Complete accident investigation'.
A tab opens from the right and this is the form itself. Click through the pages of the form filling this in with as much detail on the incident as possible and saving once completed.
Tip: Within each drop down in the accident investigation form, you can add additional categories by navigating to 'Settings', 'Manage Lists', 'Accident investigation' and selecting the list you would like to add additional options to.
Once completed and saved, the status of the accident investigation will change to 'Accident investigation completed (no sign-off)' and the status symbol changes to amber.
Once the accident investigation has been completed a notification is sent to the staff member with this notification type on to let them know that they can now sign off the accident investigation.
To sign off the accident investigation, navigate to the incident report and click 'H&S Sign-off'
Once signed off, the accident investigation is complete and the status will change to 'Accident investigation completed and signed off' with a green status symbol.
The accident investigation form sits on the incident report and you can view this at any time by scrolling in the incident report until you find 'Accident Investigation'. The report can be edited; if it is, the status reverts back to awaiting sign-off.
The accident investigation reporting process is covered in this training webinar, please click below to view the demonstration:
Training Webinar: Witness Statements and Accident Investigation