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  2. Multi Academy Trust Settings

Categorising locations across your group or trust for standardised reporting

Identifying trends across your group of schools allows you to proactively reduce serious incidents from occurring. Each site or school will have different locations however you can categorise these locations to standardise reports and compare data.

Please note: The ability to categorise locations is currently only available on request for trusts and organisations with more than one site. If you are either of these types of establishments then contact our support team on 020 3868 0776 or support@medicaltracker.co.uk who will be able to help configure your account.

How would location categories help my trust or group?

When comparing data across several schools or sites you need the data to be standardised so you can compare like for like. However, with each school or site being different they will have different locations and giving them a standard list of locations could cause incorrect or inaccurate information to be recorded. 

Using location categories, schools or sites can have their custom list of locations to suit their particular location whilst being able to categorise the locations so as a trust or group you can compare the data like for like.

For example:

Without categories: The four schools or sites below have recorded locations which suit their particular location however when comparing the data you would have to manually filter through to find the matching locations:

  Site One Site Two Site Three Site Four
Location Climbing frame Climbing area Climbing equipment Climbing frames

With categories: The four schools or sites below have recorded locations however their group or trust has categories enabled so although they have different locations the group or trust can compare data at the category level, therefore, allowing them to compare data like for like and they would not need to manually filter through finding matching locations:

  Site One Site Two Site Three Site Four
Location Climbing frame Climbing area Climbing equipment Climbing frames
Category Climbing area Climbing area Climbing area Climbing area

When a school selects their 'Location' in the drop-down Medical Tracker will automatically add the category meaning that there is no additional work for the school when they record incidents.

How do I set location categories for my trust or group?

Log in to the Trust account and go to 'Settings' -> 'Manage lists' -> 'Locations' -> press 'Add':

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.06.01

Simply enter the category name and press 'Save':

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.07.48

When a school or site now adds or edits a location they will now be able to select the category it falls into (please note the screenshot below is from a single school/site account):
Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.12.25

You can now see the location and category it belongs to within a school account:

Important: You can only set location categories within the trust or group main account. Schools or sites are not able to edit location categories.

How will the schools, or sites, in my trust or group see the categories?

When a school or site now adds or edits a location they will be required to assign a location category to the location. 

They will simply press 'Add', or 'Edit' for an existing location, and select from the location category list in the dropdown:

How do the school, or sites, in my trust or group categorise their current locations?

To update existing locations with a category each school or site within your trust or group will have to go to 'Settings' -> 'Manage lists' -> 'Locations' -> press edit on the existing location:

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.20.53
They will then need to select the location category and press 'Save'.