How do I archive a medical condition?

You may wish to archive a medical condition for different reasons, such as a short-term condition.

If there is a student or staff member's condition that is short-term or no longer exists, you can archive the condition record on Medical Tracker and still have access to the record.

You can now archive condition records in bulk - see this guide for more information

Important: Please note that if you choose to remove a condition rather than archive, it will reappear the next day if the condition is still in the management information system. If you wish to keep it on the MIS but remove it from Medical Tracker, you must archive the condition - this will stop it from syncing and reappearing. 

Go to Medical Conditions - search and select the condition you wish to edit. Click on 'More Options' and select Archive.

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 14.42.13

This will remove the condition from the main list. You can access archived conditions using the filter on the left-hand side of the main medical conditions page:

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 14.56.47

You can restore a condition once archived if required. Go to Archived conditions, search and select the condition, click 'More Options' and select Restore:

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 14.59.17

The medical conditions of students who have left will be automatically archived.

Please see the screen recording below to view the archiving process, followed by how to restore the condition record:

To learn more about managing medical conditions on Medical Tracker, please take a look at our training webinar: Training Webinar: Medical Conditions