Why can't I upload or view documents?

You may have come across an issue where you cannot view or upload any documents to Medical Tracker

Please follow the below steps to resolve this:

1)    This could be a problem with browser cookies
-      Navigate to https://school.medicaltracker.co.uk/
-      In the browser address bar, just to the left, press the padlock icon.
-      From the menu which appears, press Cookies and Site data
-      Press Manage cookies and site data.
-      A panel will appear titled Cookies and Site Data.
-      In the section titled from the site that you're viewing press the delete icon
-      Press the Done button.
-      From the browser refresh button (usually in the top left, beside the address bar)
-      The page should refresh and ask you to log in again.

2)    Ensure you clear the cache

3)    Ensure you are using Google Chrome


You will also need your IT Department to check that the following URLs are not blocked:-
Firewall and Network Settings

Finally, please ask your IT team to check if any filtering systems are blocking any Javascript functions on certain websites - this includes buttons, images, videos etc. One example is the Smoothwall filtering system.

Once you have completed all of the above steps, you will be able to upload and view documents on Medical Tracker.