How can I use the RIDDOR reporting feature?

In certain circumstances, an incident may need reporting to the HSE under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) - you can use Medical Tracker to record the required information.

You have the option of recording the relevant information on the Injury or Near Miss form. For guidance on which incidents must be reported to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under RIDDOR, please click here

Please note - this feature allows you to record supporting information on Medical Tracker which the school can then use to report the incident to the HSE.

When recording an injury or near miss or a student or staff member, you will see a RIDDOR tick box at the bottom of the form - you can use this to mark the incident as RIDDOR reportable:

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 15.20.27


Next, you will have the option to record additional information about the accident. Please make sure each field marked with an asterisk (*) is filled in and options are selected from the drop-down lists, and click Save. 

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 15.34.10

You may need to check that the RIDDOR form is enabled in Settings if you wish to use it - you can use this guide to see how.

You will now see the additional information and notes on the incident record, which can be used as supporting information when reporting to the HSE:

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 11.33.55Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 11.34.31


Automatic notifications can be set up for staff members who need to be made aware of incidents marked as RIDDOR-reportable - please click here for the guide on how to manage staff notifications.

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 15.52.05

You may need to complete an accident investigation - please click here to view our guide on using the accident investigation feature. 

If you need to record a witness statement for the incident, you can view our guide by clicking here


If you have any questions about this feature (or anything else), please contact our Support Team on 020 3868 0776 (option 1) or email us: